Fast but Effective Plumbing Solutions and Strategies

Surprising Reasons to Call a Plumber to Your Home

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Your home’s plumbing pipes don’t need to literally burst before you need a plumber at your home. Plumbing pipes can have problems behind the walls, or the quality of your water itself may need to be checked by a plumber, even if water seems to still be flowing through the faucets as it should. Note a few surprising reasons to call a plumber to your home and what they can do for you.…

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Avoid These Mistakes When Your Home Has Blocked Drains

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No one likes to deal with blocked or clogged drains, but they happen in just about every home at one time or another. You don’t always necessarily need to call a plumber every time a drain is blocked or clogged, but you do want to avoid some costly mistakes when handling it on your own. Many homeowners wind up calling a plumber after they try to unblock drains on their own, simply because they didn’t know how to address the problem properly and, in turn, made the situation worse.…

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The importance of conducting regular maintenance on your water heater

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It is very important to have your water heater examined annually by a reputable plumbing services company, such as P1 Plumbing & Electrical. Your water heater helps keep your house heated and stocked with hot water. It is a fragile system and can be easily damaged if not treated carefully. There is a gradual build-up of dirt sediments and minerals at the bottom of your water heater. While it depends on the type of water you have in your area, this accumulation can rapidly build over time.…

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