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3 Water Tank Pump Problems And How to Troubleshoot Them

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Water tank pumps can develop a variety of problems that prevent them from working at their best. Whether your pump is supplying no water, failing to start, or running continuously, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem. Take a look below to get started. 1. Water Tank Pump Refuses to Start If you cannot start your water tank pump, then the first thing you should do is check that it has an active electrical supply.…

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3 Advantages of Pre-Purchase Plumbing Inspections

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Buying a home is a big decision. Before you set your heart on a particular home, you should arrange for a plumbing service to inspect the home’s plumbing. Spending a little time and money on a plumbing inspection now can save you both time and money after you buy. Take a look at these three advantages of a reliable pre-purchase plumbing inspection. 1. Ensure Water Is Safe and Palatable A plumbing inspection can flag up problems with a home’s water supply.…

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4 Times When You Might Need Domestic Plumbing Services

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Domestic plumbing problems can greatly compromise your comfort in your home. Many people consider plumbing issues minor and easy to fix without professional help. However, poorly managed problems will keep getting worse until the time comes when the damage to the pipes and fixtures is so bad that the plumbing needs to be replaced. Replacements are expensive, which is why it’s better to repair the issue early. Here are four common issues that need domestic plumbing repairs.…

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Why You Don't Have To Dread A Drain Inspection Like You Did In The Past

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Drain inspections are a necessary task that has to be done at least a few times a decade, or whenever the situation calls for it, such as when you have repeatedly blocked pipes. Drain inspections are often dreaded and many people actively avoid them because they are seen as very expensive procedures that could identify problems that would cost you even more. Out of sight out of mind is a common approach, but that doesn’t need to be the case anymore with many upgrades to modern plumbing.…

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Drain Relining vs. Traditional Drain Repairs: Which Is the Best Repair Method for Blocked Drains?

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Modern technology has simplified the way homeowners locate and fix clogs in their drainage systems. Devices such as video cameras allow plumbers to locate and unclog drains without excavating the ground. If you notice any visible damage to your pipes, you can repair it using either traditional or modern methods.  Traditional drain repairs involve digging out the affected piping, a process that’s intrusive and expensive. Drain relining is a modern technique that involves installing a lining that bonds with the walls of the existing pipe.…

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3 Easy Ways to Unclog Drains Yourself

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You don’t like to think about it, but a blocked drain is a plumbing problem that can arise at any time, and when it does happen, you’ll need to take corrective action. While you can always call an emergency plumber when you pick up the signs of a blockage in your residential drains, there are things you can do to try to fix the issue yourself.  If you don’t mind being your own plumber, here are some proven ways to dislodge drain clogs.…

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