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Staying Ahead of Plumbing Clogs: 3 Quick Prevention Tips

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Clogs and backups are some of the most notorious plumbing issues you may face in your home. Besides the mess that these issues create, resolving plumbing clogs can be challenging and sometimes quite costly.

Fortunately, preventing plumbing clogs doesn't always take a lot of effort. With the right tips and prevention procedures, you can always avoid issues with clogged drains. With that in mind, here are some practical steps you can take.

Watch What Goes Down Your Drains

Drains aren't designed to handle all sorts of waste materials. Therefore, you can easily contribute to blockages if you don't limit what ends up in the drains. From the toilet to your kitchen and bathroom drains, it's critical to be cautious (and ensure everyone else in your household understands this) of what you allow down those drains.

For instance, avoid sending coffee grounds, food remains waste, grease, etc., down your kitchen drains. For your bathroom, keep soap scum, hair, and other debris out of your drains. One excellent to prevent unwanted materials and debris from finding their way down your drains is to install drain stoppers. However, be keen to check the drain stoppers regularly for debris build-up to get the most out of them and avoid water from pooling in your bathroom or kitchen sink.

When it comes to your toilet, pay extra attention to what you flush down. Dental floss, cat litter, cotton balls, hygiene products and sometimes even paper towels are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to blocked toilets. Therefore, only flush tissue paper to avoid plumbing clogs and backups in your toilet.

Run Hot Water Down The Drains (Kitchen Drains In Particular)

Running hot water down your kitchen drains is another practical and simple way to prevent clogs. Doing this can help clear out some of the food waste that may have gone down the drain. In addition, it helps break down or melt some of the materials that may be building up inside your drainpipes. Therefore, it would help to do this every day after each sink use or at least more frequently every week.

Clean Your Drains Regularly

You don't need to wait for a blockage to check your drains. Make it a habit to inspect and clean your drains regularly. You don't need to rely excessively or exclusively on chemical cleaners when doing this because some chemicals can corrode your drainpipes if used in excess, leaving you with an even bigger issue. Therefore, readily available alternatives like vinegar and baking soda can equally help.

For any questions about clogged drains, contact a plumber near you.
