Fast but Effective Plumbing Solutions and Strategies

Cutting Your Energy Bill | Reducing Hot Water Use At Home

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In the fight to save energy, one area you need to focus on is the hot water system. It constantly heats up the water and ensures you enjoy it whenever you need it. Though that comes in handy, it also leads to high energy usage. The water heater uses about 17 percent of your home’s total energy consumption, which is more than all the other household appliances together. One of the best ways to decrease your energy bill is by reducing the hot water consumption at your home.…

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Why Does The Heating Element In A Hot Water System Fail?

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A large number of modern day homes use electric hot water systems. The heating element is the heart of any such system. A defective heating element often leads to the production of lukewarm water from the electric heating system. If the heating element has a serious defect, the hot water system may fail to heat water completely. Here is the homeowner’s guide to factors that may contribute to the failure of the heating element in a residential hot water system.…

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Home Remedies for Blocked Drains

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Blocked drains in your home are a serious issue. When your sink or bathtub is clogged, this can cause a plumbing emergency. It is possible for you to deal with blocked drains on your own, however. If you are tired of looking at dirty water in your sink or bathtub and want to remove the risk of potential flooding in your home, it is possible to try a few home remedies designed to unclog blocked drains.…

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