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Gas Plumbing: An Introduction

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Gas plumbing is an essential part of any home. Natural gas is supplied to your home through a network of underground pipes, and it’s used for everything from cooking and heating to powering your clothes dryer. If you have any questions about gas plumbing, this blog post is for you. Keep reading to learn more about gas plumbing. How Gas Plumbing Works Natural gas is supplied to your home through a network of underground pipes.…

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How to Choose Between Storage and Continuous Flow Water Heating Systems

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If you haven’t installed a new hot water system before, then you might not know enough about different options and how they work. For example, you might not be sure whether to go for a storage heater system or one that uses continuous flow. To help you decide between the two, think about the following factors. How Much Space Do You Have? Storage and continuous flow systems have different space needs.…

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Staying Ahead of Plumbing Clogs: 3 Quick Prevention Tips

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Clogs and backups are some of the most notorious plumbing issues you may face in your home. Besides the mess that these issues create, resolving plumbing clogs can be challenging and sometimes quite costly. Fortunately, preventing plumbing clogs doesn’t always take a lot of effort. With the right tips and prevention procedures, you can always avoid issues with clogged drains. With that in mind, here are some practical steps you can take.…

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3 Different Ways to Fix That Blocked Drain Yourself

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A blocked drain is one of the many reasons why you may need to conduct plumbing repairs in your home. The untreated wastewater and sewage inside the pipe can flow back into your home, posing a serious health hazard to your family. While you can always rely on a professional plumber to unblock your drains, learning how to fix the problem yourself can save money on your plumbing repair bills. Check out these DIY-friendly tips for unblocking a clogged drain.…

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