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Tips for Looking After Your Residential Hot Water System

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The water heater installed in your home is there to provide you with hot water whenever you need it. Like other domestic appliances, it requires some love and care to keep working safely and efficiently. Unfortunately, not all homeowners take hot water maintenance seriously. Some wait until there is a problem with their hot water supply to take action. By this time, costly damage might have already occurred. 

If you're here to learn how to look after your hot water unit, then you've come to the right place. Below are some important maintenance tips for your residential hot water system.

Remove Sediment from the Tank

The cold water that flows into your hot water tank may contain some dissolved minerals. Over time, these minerals accumulate at the bottom of the tank, thus reducing the heating efficiency of your hot water system.

As part of routine maintenance, you should drain your water heater tank from time to time in order to remove the sediment buildup and restore the operating efficiency of your hot water system.

Checking for (and Fixing) Leaks

Like other water-carrying appliances, water heaters are susceptible to leaks. Hot water system leaks reduce the supply of hot water but also lead to energy wastage. This is because energy is used up to heat water that ends up being wasted through leaking.

If you want to make sure that the hot water that your water heater supplies doesn't go to waste, it's crucial that you have your unit inspected for leaks on a regular basis. Any leaks found should be repaired immediately.

Maintaining the Correct Water Temperature and Pressure Settings

For your hot water system to run safely and at its peak, it's vital that the right water temperature and pressure settings are maintained. You should check your system's water temperature regularly to ensure safety (avoid scalding) and achieve maximum energy savings. You should also have the temperature and pressure relief valve checked periodically to ensure it's working correctly.

No matter how well you care for your water heater, you will have to replace it at some point due to age. Like other domestic appliances, hot water units don't have an unlimited lifespan. When yours reaches or nears the end of its expected lifespan, you will have to start thinking about making a replacement. If you need a hot water system replacement or for more information on domestic water heater maintenance, feel free to consult a local hot water plumber.
