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Do's and Don'ts to Prevent Clogged Drains on a Septic Tank System

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Having a septic tank instead of municipal sewer system means taking some extra steps to maintain your septic tank. You want to make sure you aren't doing anything that would cause blocked drains, cracked pipes, or septic tank backup. This means knowing the do's and don'ts of septic tank system maintenance. If you want to prevent clogged drains and other issues, here are a few things to keep in mind.

Do Use Bacterial Additives to Your System

One of the first things you should be doing to prevent clogged drains on a septic tank system is to use bacterial additives. You can find these additives at local hardware or home improvement stores in the plumbing section. You need to look for additives that breakdown waste, paper, and even food particles. These additives should be added to your system on a routine basis. They can be added by pouring the manufacture recommend amount into your sink, tub, or toilet and flushing or running water to get the additives into the drain and system.

Do Install a Septic Tank Filter

Another step to preventing clogged drains leading to your septic tank is to use a septic tank filter. These filters help block any solid waste that may find it's way into the pipes and move that waste into another holding area. This is a system taht will need to be installed by your plumber or septic tank repair technician. You may also want to consider an oil trap filter that will filter out oils and move them to a separate area of the tank. These types of filters will help reduce the chances of clogs that could block drains at the septic tank itself and eventually back up drains into your home.

Don't Introduce Certain Items into the System

One of the leading ways you can cause a clogged drain leading into your septic tank is to flush or introduce items into the system that can't process easily. Things like coffee grounds, disposable diapers, and cat litter that can clump and harden can cause severe damage to your drains. The first step is clogging the drain and, if this isn't treated quickly, you could end up with broken pipes or having to have the septic tank flushed.

Don't Run too Many Systems at Once

You can overflow your system and cause a backup, which may cause a blocked drain, by doing too much at once. For example, you may think that multi-tasking certain things in your home is a good idea that will save you time. This can turn out bad for your septic system if you decide to run your washing machine, dishwasher, and take a shower all at once. The water flushing through the system may be too much for your system to handle. Since the water flow is increased drastically, it may not drain as smoothly into the tank as normal. Instead, space out your daily tasks and go easy on your water usage if you're doing multiple tasks.

These are just four things to keep in mind. If you are not used to septic tank systems, and you want to avoid clogged drains, contact your septic tank technician or plumber. They can give you tips and pointers on how to reduce the chances of a clogged dr
