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Why a Heat Pump Water Heater is an Excellent Choice

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When your old electric hot water system needs replacing it is the perfect opportunity to install a heat pump water heater. You will use considerably less electricity and reduce your utility bills.

Use this quick guide to learn more about heat pump water heaters and how they can benefit your wallet as well as the environment.

Government Incentives

One substantial advantage when choosing a heat pump water heater is receiving the incentive offered by the federal government. The initiative is designed to encourage households to conserve energy and may offer a rebate on the cost of purchase. You can check the conditions for eligibility and gain information about the Small scale renewable energy scheme here.

How Heat Pump Water Heaters Work

With a traditional electric water heater, water is heated directly by means of an element, in the same way as an electric kettle.

On the other hand, a heat pump water heater simply uses a small amount of electricity to work a pump.

  • The pump distributes a refrigerant throughout the system
  • The refrigerant collects heat from the ambient air and converts to a gas
  • The gas is compressed and expels heat which is transferred to the water.
  • The refrigerant then expands back into a liquid state and the cycle is repeated.

This technology is like that used in a refrigerator, the difference being that where heat is pumped out of the fridge for cooling, heat is pumped into the water tank for heating.

The method of water heating requires substantially much less electricity than the traditional heating method.

Different Types of Heat Pump Water Heaters

There is a range of models available to suit different household needs.

  • Single outdoor units - known as integrated units
  • Split systems with both indoor and outdoor components
  • Retrofitted systems designed to be fitted to your existing hot water tank

Many models also come with an electric booster element which is a great advantage in colder climates.

Deciding on the Model and Location

The Integrated System

This is similar to the standard electric hot water service where the heat pump is attached to a hot water storage tank in a single unit. Your plumber will do the connection and installation as a very simple process when replacing an old electric hot water system.

The Split System

In this model, the heat pump unit or evaporator is situated separately from the hot water tank. This configuration is effective in situations where the tank needs to be located where there is insufficient air circulation for the heat pump to work effectively.

For example, the pump unit can be located outdoors while the tank can be situated inside in a garage, laundry or inside cupboard. The spit system does use a little more electricity in operating the pump than the integrated unit.

Efficiency of operation also depends on how near the system is located to the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry where hot water is used in the home. Shorter pipes decrease the time needed for hot water to reach taps and reduces heat loss.

Ultimately your plumber (like those at DCI Plumbing & Gas Pty Ltd) will be your best guide. You can rely on their experience and expertise to quickly determine your particular needs and recommend the most efficient system for your household.
