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How to Make Your Dishwasher Last Longer

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It wasn't too long ago that dishwashers were seen as luxury items, but they're now used in homes all across Australia. However, not all homeowners are aware of the mistakes they're making which will damage their machine and decrease its lifespan. Repairs are inconvenient and new dishwashers are expensive, so it's well worth learning how to keep yours running smoothly.

Avoid Blockages

Dishwashers are made to make life easier, but that doesn't mean you can just throw your plates in without a second thought. Making sure that as much food as possible is rinsed off before putting your crockery in the dishwasher will reduce the likelihood of your filter becoming blocked.

Additionally, make sure that the filter itself is checked and cleaned every week. You can usually find the filter at the bottom of your appliance – though this varies according to brand. It will generally resemble a small drain. The filter catches any excess matter which you didn't rinse away, but it can quickly become blocked itself. This means that your dishwasher won't drain, and often leads to the need for an extensive repair job.

Understand What Cannot be Cleaned

Some things should not be cleaned in a dishwasher due to the fact that they themselves will be damaged. Certain plastics may lose their shape, non-stick pans can lose their coating, and anything with a gold trim can exit the machine looking distinctly less expensive.

However, some items will also cause damage to the washing machine itself. Larger wooden items—including salad bowls and chopping boards—can swell and break apart, while fine glass items can shatter. This means that sharp, often heavy items will be loose during operation, which can damage the machine. They can also damage your dishes, while making unloading hazardous.

Find the Right Balance

Don't load too much, and don't load too little. That might seem like hard advice to follow, but it's easy enough to tell if you're guilty of either. For starters, if your machine only appears to be half full then you probably don't need to turn it on. Waiting another night until the machine is closer to full won't just extend its life, it will also see your water and energy bills drop.

Conversely, make sure you aren't overloading the machine by ensuring that the sprayer arm can rotate a full 360 degrees prior to the wash itself. If its rotation is impeded at any point, remove the offending item.

Making these changes requires minimal effort, but they can save you plenty of time, money, and inconvenience in the long run. For more information, contact your local plumbing services company.
